Here’s what our customers say about us…
Career Connect has provided excellent support to the Mosslands School Careers Programme for many years and directly contribute to our consistently low NEET figures and good outcomes for students. The individual support given by our Careers Connect Careers Advisers has been essential to our work by enabling students to have one to one impartial advice and guidance to help them achieve their career goals.
Adrian Whiteley, Headteacher, The Mosslands School (Wirral)
We have employed the services of Career Connect to provide one to one support for our students and to support them at key transition points. The advisors we have used have provided excellent support and advice for our students using local and up to date knowledge.
Rachel Clarke, Careers Lead, St John Plessington Catholic College (Wirral)
Career Connect is a crucial partner of Mill Green School delivering quality advice, guidance and support to our students and their families. Most importantly is that personal touch they deliver, they invest time in getting to know our students and are sympathetic to differing needs and abilities which informs the accuracy of the advice and guidance they provide.
John Thompson Head of School, Mill Green School (St Helens)
Over several years we have built a close, strong and effective relationship with Career Connect. The quality of their support has been excellent. As careers education rightly grows in importance within schools, it is more important than ever to have professional, knowledgeable and skilled support available to ensure we give our students a world class careers education. Our careers education is strong for all students, and our close relationship with Career Connect has been at the heart of that development: offering support, guidance, access to opportunities and a wealth of knowledge.
Andy Rannard, Headteacher, De La Salle School (St Helens)
St Chad’s are delighted to be working with Career Connect. We have taken advantage of the wide range of careers events over the past few years. These have included some excellent sessions on Challenging Stereotypes, Jobs for Tomorrow, Employability, Resilience & Citizenship. These sessions are coordinated and delivered by the fantastic Career Connect staff and volunteers from local businesses. It’s a superb opportunity for pupils to learn about the world of work and consider some of the local companies who they may not have heard about even though they are right on their doorstep.
Vicky Jones, Careers Lead, St Chad’s Catholic and Church of England High School (Runcorn)
Read our case studies
January 30, 2024
Personal development aligned with careers: The Henry Box School
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January 30, 2024
Personalised and intensive careers support for KS4: The Clifton Centre
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September 12, 2023
Virtual work experience opens new doors
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March 6, 2023
Widening horizons: St Cuthbert’s School, St Helens
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